Last year about this time, I showed you a picture of a nasty looking spider I found floating in my pool. It gave me the chills. Well, it has nothing on what I found this evening. Take a look at this bastard, the black thing in the center with what appears to be an egg sack attached. I had the unpleasant job of emptying the filter basket of leaves, but it was so packed, I couldn't pull it up. There was no way I was going to reach in there and pull it out bare handed, so I went inside and grabbed the kitchen tongs. I pulled leaves out a few at a time, and flung them over on the side, and on one of the leaves was this spider, soaking wet but still living and still moving around in that unearthly way spiders move. That's about all it took for me to walk away from the job. I threw in the chlorine sticks in the still-full basket, snapped the cover back on, and ran inside. I went back later to take this picture because if I told you I found a spider the size of barn, you wouldn't...