What is it with people and Cindy Loo Who? Of my last one hundred blog hits, forty have been direct visits from regular readers, and fifteen have been as a result of people searching for "Cindy Loo Who," the little pixie from Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas . A couple of years ago, I posted an image of the original Seuss illustration as compared to the TV cartoon image, and for some reason, that post is bringing in the crowds, relatively. Maybe it's the weather. It isn't even November yet, and already we've had frost and have had to dust off our winter coats. When it gets cold like this, I start to think about Christmasy things like listening to Nat King Cole and decorating the tree. It's ironic because I am offended when retailers start pushing holiday stuff early, but I don't mind my own private celebrations. When my sister and I were much younger and still living with our parents, we would pick a day in July, close the curtains to darken the ...
A disappointingly tame NC-17.
Looks like it's been a pretty non-sweary month so far.
Hey ho. Perhaps I'm going soft in my dotage.
My blog is rather boring with just Cakes and Al....ah well..
Can I read Robyn's blog?
Awww C'mon!
Alifan,your site is not boring. Don't forget the pics of Oscar. He's lovely.
Sassy, I forgot about "bastard." See? It just goes to show how useless movie ratings are.
There was I thinking my filth was lovely.
It's organic, GM-free filth, Robyn; carefully selected from only the finest muck-heaps.
Nasty indeed!
And I'm tagging you.
Dive rang me tonight, to say my blog is child friendly.... how mild!!!!
OK Son you can read Robyns Blog, as long as I do not have to read yours, if there is that many bad words, and you know I give in to you everytime, so you do not have to plead>>>>>>>>>>