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Another Christmas Song

The little live tree in the foyer that makes up for the bigger fake tree that will eventually be in the family room.

I did a stupid thing yesterday. I was sitting in my office chair when Big Mike the Cat walked in. He hates being held, but you can pick him up and set him in your lap, and he'll tolerate you for about 30 seconds. So, I bent forward and picked him up, and that's when my back went out. Sciatica or something like that. I dropped the cat half-way through the lifting and fell to the floor, saying "no, no, no, no" over and over again. I did the stretching exercises I learned from a chiropractor, but that didn't help. I was sunk. Or stuck, more like it.

I managed to hobble my way up the stairs to the kitchen and then into the carpeted family room. I tried the stretching again, but still nothing. The pain radiated through my legs, and it was something else, let me tell you. I winced and I moaned and I yelled to no one but myself, "not now!!" It's Christmas, for Pete's sake. There were Christmas cards to make (I literally make them from scratch), there was a tree to decorate, there was vacuuming to do, there was a newspaper column to write. And I have a concert this weekend.

I finally gave in and found a less-than-excruciating position to sit/lie in, and I watched "We're No Angels" with Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov and Aldo Ray. I made a BLT sandwich while leaning to the right because my spine was incensed with having to support me upright. I managed to write the column.

Husband picked up some takeout for dinner, and I ate it with three glasses of wine. That did the trick—the perfect muscle relaxer. I never did get the Christmas stuff done, but in honor of the season, here is yet another recording I presented to blogworld last year around this time of year (from the Charlie Brown Christmas/Vince Guaraldi book):


PF said…
OH NO!! Try Aleve (or generic Naproxen Sodium) for pain relief. I know how hard it is to resist picking up a cat :)
Anonymous said…
The excellent message gallantly)))
dive said…
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Ooooh, poor you, Robyn!
And what dreadful timing.
This is a wonderful opportunity for husband and the girls to rally round and wait on you hand and foot all through Christmas, doing all the shopping, cooking and chores while you sit and recuperate.

Did I hear a "Ha!" coming from the direction of Ohio?

Get well soon, Robyn, and thanks for the Vince Guaraldi. Lovely as usual. As is your baby tree. You sure know how to do Christmas.
Madame DeFarge said…
Not a good thing to do at any time, you have my sympathies. I was laid up all holidays last Christmas and New year because of sciatica and felt outstandingly miserable. Hope you recover soon.
MmeBenaut said…
I am so familiar with that feeling and I sympathise with you my poor girl. You must lie flat on your back and raise your legs on a pillow.

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