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How to Waste Your Time

So, what do you do when you can't leave the house, don't feel like reading or writing the 500-Word story of the week and can't play your horn without blowing germs through the pipes? You play FarmVille on Facebook. My farm is full of interesting animals and a diverse orchard. Just this morning, I harvested rice and soybeans and then planted wheat, squash and strawberries. I plucked down from a duck, milked the cows and collected truffles the pigs had rooted out. I haven't accumulated enough "cash" to expand my farm, so it's packed to the borders, and all those elephants the farm neighbors have been sending as gifts don't help. Keep that in mind the next time you send me a farm gift—bunnies take up much less space.

I know it's a waste of time, and I could get more out of watching Regis and Kelly, but I can't do that because The Marx brothers are on—first A Day At the Races, and later Go West followed by A Night in Casablanca.

After you fritter away time with FarmVille, you go read this. It's usually off color, so if that sort of thing bothers you, don't follow the link.

Then you go here and scroll through the captioned photos of animals and check out the news tab for captioned photos of humans who behave like animals.

And after that, you play with this. A cartographer named Andy Woodruff has figured out that Ohio has 88 counties, the same number as a piano has keys. So, he has assigned a note on the piano to each county according to census numbers. If you select Asian in the category space, you'll discover the counties with a high number of Asians have a high note assigned to them, and those with just a few Asians have a lower note assigned. The same county may have a high note for males or something mid-range for children under 5. You can play a "song" by choosing the route between two cities like Cleveland to Cincinnati, and you can play "The Entertainer" on the map of Ohio because Woodruff has programmed it in.

So, there are just a few tips for wasting time when you're stuck in the house. What do you on days like this?


kyle@sift said…
I dare say you should be ashamed of yourself...
I am dreaming of opening my own shop in a converted garage on the property. What sorts of things woulf you buy in such a shop?
Eustacia said…
I'm proud of you.

Scout said…
Kyle, you'd think I'd be ashamed of myself, and on a good day, I might be. But when people are unwell, it's good to cut them some slack.

Strawberry (why that name?) thanks. I'm proud of you, too.
Eustacia said…
I couldn't think of a name, so I turned to my right and the first thing I saw was a dry erase board shaped like a strawberry.
Alifan said…
Hi Robyn, so sorry my dear that you are unwell... just sending hugs to help.......

I am afraid I am a moaning OAP at the moment, as pulled a muscle a couple of weeks ago in my back and shoulder, and have had to spend a lot of time and money at the osteopath. yesterday I thought he had nailed it, and spent a whole evening without pain, oh glorious, then in the night it has come back, so can really feel for you....

Icannot say I have tried your remedy of the farm, but glad it amuses you.. get well soon xxxx
Shan said…
Oh my blog feeder has been down so I didn't see this one first.

I do not play Farmville or any of those games because I need absolutely no help wasting time-sick or well.

I have things like the Bravo channel and dancing shows that veg. me out quite nicely when I have those needs. Blank stares also work in a pinch. ;)
I would call it Swine Flu instead.
MmeBenaut said…
It's fun, isn't it and takes the mind off the yucky stuff like pain and such. I'm proud of your resourcefulness Robyn!

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