It's been quite a while since I have devoted an entire week to any one thing—search for tuna fish or mashed potatoes or toilets and you'll see what I mean. This week, then, is about shoes. I have heard of women of even modest income with dozens and dozens of pairs of shoes. I can see how that can happen because there are so many options these days. They come in so many different colors and heel heights and styles, so why not load up? I only have about two dozen, though, and some of those are old and haven't been worn in over a year. So, I'm thinking about buying a new pair, and I have two brands in mind. I usually look for Børns, but I am learning there are other options. I met an anti-consumerism guy not long ago, and he told me about Toms Shoes . For every pair you buy from Toms, the company donates a pair to a needy child. In 2006, they gave away 60,000 shoes to kids in Argentina and South Africa, and they hoped to give away 200,000 in 2008. I don't know if they ...