Small Town hosts a Halloween parade every year. It's quite a tradition with bands and costume judging and store-front decorating contests. Daughter No. 2 helped to paint elements of Monster House on the windows of an insurance agency office and won. One of the agents promised to buy them all pizza. The prize is $100 awarded to the business owner even though the kids do all the work, so one of the agents promised to buy them all pizza. He thought he should at least offer them something, but it doesn't seem likely that he'll pay up. There was free popcorn and coffee and hot chocolate given out by various groups like Hospice, and every one in the parade threw candy out to the kids. Here is a sucker that landed right in front of me. Did I grab it before the greedy little kid next to me could get her mitts on it? Of course I did. Sometimes kids think if they throw on a Freddy mask, they are all set for trick or treating, but this year the kids dressed up with thoughtfulness and ...