But when I learned the only worthy yarn shop in Small Town was closing, I started grabbing up skeins like buying bread and water before a hurricane. I would need these things to tide me over through the winter. I would need a stash.
The purple stuff will make a cardigan, the off-white stuff will make a sleeveless sweater, as will the green stuff. The dark brown stuff in the bag will make a wrap, and the bright pink stuff will make a short tie-front cardigan. My finished projects will be displayed at Stitchin' Bints.
I am pretty sure the stash will get me through the winter. While some people stock up on firewood and canned fruit, I stock up on yarn.
I realized this morning that you first commented on my blog a year ago today. Glad to know you, Blog Pal!
Dive, my cats just don't know what to do with themselves when they see me pick up the needles and skeins. Poor guys.
good luck with the clicking of those needless in the midst of winter.
Why are you Scout now?
I am now Scout because in the blog world, you can be who you choose to be. And when I was little, I looked just like Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird, and I wanted her name. Now, I've got it.
I wish I knew how to knit. Or something creative like that.
Nice to see you have got a link to our stitching bints site, maybe more will join.....
I wonder if Dive has told you what one of my little cats called twopence used to do, I would be sitting in the chair knitting with her beside me, when I would feel wet wool, she used to get it in her mouth and I would have to wait until it got dry!!!!!!
sorry Robyn I can't relate to this post but just wanted to say Hello.
Gina, I just learned a few years ago. And now, God help me, I can't stop.
Kate, ooohh, I have a stash of great paper perfect for scrapbooking. I use them for greeting cards.
Alifan, my cat Mike does the same thing. Nothing worse than soggy yarn.
Rich, hello. Will you be posting pictures of Honk Fest? Please?!