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ITunes Scrambler

After reading Dive's list of the first ten songs his ITunes spits out when set to randomly play, I thought I shouldn't bother because mine would most likely play pretty horn songs for me. But I was wrong. Here's what it gave me instead:

1. Slap Leather by James Taylor
2. Skater's Waltz from a Mantovani Christmas CD
3. Children, Go Where I Send you by Michael McDonald
4. White Christmas by Bing Crosby
5. Dead Wrong by The Fray
6. Melody of Love by Frank Sinatra and Ray Anthony
7. Planxty George Brabson from The Chieftains' Water from the Well CD
8. Miracle Drug from U2's How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
9. Play What's Written from Marcus Robert's The Joy of Joplin
10. Lost in the Stars--Judy Garland's astrocious Christmas Through the Ages CD


dive said…
How bizarre! No Steely Dan tracks!

Oooh, The Chieftains! Hoorah!
And a worrying proportion of Christmas music there, Robyn. Your iTunes must have a Christmas obsession like mine has a Steely Dan fixation.
Dave said…
Whenever I do the "random thing" on my ipod, I get AC/DC, guns 'n Roses, Bon Jovi...ABBA ... I gotta get rid of that ABBA!! :-)
Sassy Sundry said…
Christmas music? Still? Wow.
Scout said…
Dive, no Steely Dan tracks because they were never installed on my iPod to begin with.

Dave, (welcome) quite a difference between ABBA and Guns n Roses. I can't really talk though, considering the hodge podge of stuff I collect.

Sassy, weird, huh? I don't listen to Christmas music this time of year, but it's still in the big mix. I don't use the shuffle option very often.
Sassy Sundry said…
I'm a shuffler. I almost did a shuffle post today before reading Dive's blog, but I decided to do the Week in Review instead.
Old Knudsen said…
I take charge of my own life and tell the machines what to play, not the other way around.

Funny that both my Blog and yers got on the UROJ wall of honour, congradulations we must be more similar than I thought.
Scout said…
Old Knudson, I don't know what your talking about. What wall of honor (honour)?
Scout said…
OH, I see, Old K. That's very nice of them. We really aren't very similar, though, except for the color scheme. I think JanieBelle and Kate have ecletic tastes.
my play list all got deleted by some strange freak accident. I had lots of drum corps on there. good thing they are all backed up.
Gina said…
Well, that's definitely an eclectic mix! Sounds good, though.
Old Knudsen said…
UROJ? of course I meant UDOJ, I'm so dense sometimes, no need to agree.
Anonymous said…
You can say that again, Robyn.

You should hear all the different music we listen to!

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