I bought myself a pair of drug-store reading glasses. All of my life, so far, I have had not just perfect eye sight but super perfect eye sight. I can read a road sign from miles away. I can read the bottom line of the chart from across the room with a flock of geese flying by. I can make out the fine print on the back of the most detailed insurance forms.
But now in my 40s, my eyes have decided they don't want to read the close-up things without added fuzz, and they don't want to focus automatically when they should. They are rebelling, or maybe they are just tired of my bragging and boasting. So, I bought a cheap pair of reading specs--$12.99--black frames with gold dots--I thought they should at least be cool. But now that I have them, I seem to be avoiding close-up reading so I won't have to wear them. My computer is at least a foot away, and my music stand is even farther.
Also, after confessing that I have the ability to flare my nostrils at will, I am self-conscious about the size of my nose, so I did some careful cropping on this shot.
But now in my 40s, my eyes have decided they don't want to read the close-up things without added fuzz, and they don't want to focus automatically when they should. They are rebelling, or maybe they are just tired of my bragging and boasting. So, I bought a cheap pair of reading specs--$12.99--black frames with gold dots--I thought they should at least be cool. But now that I have them, I seem to be avoiding close-up reading so I won't have to wear them. My computer is at least a foot away, and my music stand is even farther.
Also, after confessing that I have the ability to flare my nostrils at will, I am self-conscious about the size of my nose, so I did some careful cropping on this shot.
I'm joining you...had to succumb to some "Dr. Dean Edell's" (local tv doc who has an eyeglass line) from my local drugstore about 4 years ago now...wah~
My boys would shove their homework papers in my face, not more than five inches from my eyes, and expect me to read it! Just wasn't working!
I started with the "125" rating/magnification and just last week moved up into "175s!" EEEEK!
Wonder just how far I'll need to go before I have to start wearing the bottom of those glass Coke bottles!
LOL! Very cute picture by the way...and we ALL have imperfections so you just let go of that "I-don't-like-my-insert-body-par-here" crap!
Those are COOL and SEXY, Robyn!
Very much the Lisa Loeb look.
Rats! Now I want to go out and buy new glasses.
I like the glasses, they're very retro! But if you've never had to wear them, I could see how it would be very hard to get used to.
oh, okay.
Hello Utsav. It's great what you can do with black and white and laying in Photoshop. I am very unphotogenic.
Daughter #1 again, I am very unphotographic.
Gina, it's a shame you can't even count on the shape of your eyeballs.
Dive, flattery. Sheer flattery.
Hi Ame. These are 125. There are some pretty funky options on the drugstore spinner rack. If I ever have to have another pair, I think I'll go for the ones that are hand painted with a dozen different colors, like Mary Engelbreit greeting cards.
I'm sure you only posted this becasue you know I like the look (hee hee).
Maybe I DO need new glasses.
I'm blind as a bat, but my mother has perfect eyesight at age 58. My damn dad....
Join the club with the vision stuff going on. I need glasse to read anything these days not just the fine print anymore.