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I'm Calming...

So I've heard anyway. At least my site seems to give that impression to at least two people who have used that word. This person has written a lovely little complimentary post about my site, and I'd like to quote it (this line made me chuckle, being a simple soul who won't swear to Old K's satisfaction. Sorry Old Knudson, you know you're always welcome here, and I won't sensor you, because I don't believe in sensoring.)

If you stop over, say something nice. Don't wreck the place.


JanieBelle said…
Hi Robyn,

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the plug!

I hope a bunch of our best Dreamers stop by and say hello. We tend to get a handful of less positive... folks, and perhaps your blog (should they drop by as well) might assist their blood pressure.

We really do love your place already.
dive said…
They're right, Robyn.
You're as warm and wonderful as listening to Garrison Keillor in front of the fire with a cup of hot cocoa.
You know this is what attracted me to your site in the first place. If you go back to one of your early posts I may have used that very word {calming}in my comment. It is indeed a refreshing break.
JanieBelle said…
"You're as warm and wonderful as listening to Garrison Keillor in front of the fire with a cup of hot cocoa."

Prairie Home Companion is definitely warm and wonderful. I recently read Lake Wobegon Summer of 1956. One of the best reads I've had in a while.

If you've got the time, it's worth the read.
JanieBelle said…
oh, and you have to love Guy Noir!

Always good for a smile
Scout said…
Listen to all of you. You're so nice, I'm about to get weepy.

and Rich, I did remember that you used the word "calming" back at the beginning of this. I keep that word in mind when I blabber on an on every morning.
Scout said…
Oh, and Garrison Keiller is my story-telling hero. We have seen his show live a couple of times, and I really get lost in his radio world. The soun dof his breathing in the microphone between phrases is as captivating as his words.

And I love the new movie.
Sassy Sundry said…
I love reading your blog. Glad people are noticing!
Old Knudsen said…
Its like coming into a church, you don't break wind or glass someone. I always take off me cap before clicking onto your blog, people of your ilk usually have a stick up their arse but you have a well hidden wicked side, you probably have another blog on which you're a real potty mouthed slapper, and its alright, I censor meself.
Scout said…
Sassy, have you been to blogs where they get 97 comments for one little post? Exhausting.

Old Knudson, you don't have to take off your cap just for me--stick up my arse, that I know of. someday I'll learn to spell.
Scout said…
Oh no. Not only can't I spell, but I left out a significant word. That's NO stick...
Old Knudsen said…
Now thats a slip.
Scout said…
It's not a slip, I swear. There's no stick! Ha
Sassy Sundry said…
You slipped on a stick---up your arse. Hee hee.

Ms. Freudian Slip (me) loves company.

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