My niece Lizabeth has pinned the map, and I didn't even have to beg. Very nice. Yesterday, she left a very nice comment to a post I wrote sometime last month about the way my family celebrates Christmas. I have copied her comment here because I think it's worth reading:
Lizabeth said...
As I am the child that Sister #1 was expecting, EVERY Christmas for me included The Program. You have no idea what a lucky little girl I was. My auntees would spend inordinate amounts of time making me giggle, my uncle performed magic tricks, and everyone would watch me perform as if I were the most talented child in the Western Hemisphere. I loved Christmas at my Grandma's, not because it was my birthday, and not for all the great presents, but because The Program gave me a chance to join in this amazing group of people that looked and sang and laughed a lot like my mom.My friends think it's a riot, especially since my boyfriend learned to play the piano so he could play carols last year. As hokey as the whole thing is, it still reminds me that I belong to a family that is unique and quirky and very, very talented. (and that I'm still a lucky girl)
Lizabeth said...
As I am the child that Sister #1 was expecting, EVERY Christmas for me included The Program. You have no idea what a lucky little girl I was. My auntees would spend inordinate amounts of time making me giggle, my uncle performed magic tricks, and everyone would watch me perform as if I were the most talented child in the Western Hemisphere. I loved Christmas at my Grandma's, not because it was my birthday, and not for all the great presents, but because The Program gave me a chance to join in this amazing group of people that looked and sang and laughed a lot like my mom.My friends think it's a riot, especially since my boyfriend learned to play the piano so he could play carols last year. As hokey as the whole thing is, it still reminds me that I belong to a family that is unique and quirky and very, very talented. (and that I'm still a lucky girl)
The Progam sounds great fun. We used to do a similar thing with our miscellany of musicians dotted about the families. My cousin Lizzie (also nicknamed Lizard, like your neice) and I still try to make joyous noises for everyone to sing along to.
There's so few of us left now (this week we're all a bit down as it's five years since dad died), that it gets a bit lonely around Christmas, but we still like to get together at my Aunt's and unplug the TV and make our own "musical" entertainment.
You've brought back some lovely memories. Thanks.
It was always a comedy of errors -- racing about from house to house, having to sing the same verse twice in a row because we all suddenly forgot, dogs barking because a tenor started a carol and all the girls were in the rafters shrieking out "o holy night".
I still remember clearly the year that I broke Mr. MacFarland's doorbell (it fell off in my hand, I swear!), Mrs. Jones tried to offer us a box of candy but it had melted in her 90 degree house, and when Mrs. Avon insisted of hugging us tight and her wire hair rollers kept getting snagged in our knit hats.
Come Christmas, bring your cheer...