This is Judy the Monkey. She was a gift from my mother when I was six, and I have treasured her all these years, as you can see from her excellent condition. She used to have buttons on her chest and a complete banana in her hand, but when I was a little girl, I ripped off the buttons and chewed up the banana--yes, it was made of plastic. Judging by the incision along her back seam, I'm guessing she used to have a squeaker or something inside, but when I was going through my surgeon phase, I apparently chose her as a patient.

There is a line in "Silverado" when Stella the barmaid says to Paden, "There's no telling what you're going to care about." There's no telling what a kid is going to care about. Around the time I got Judy I was a big fan of Daktari, a show about a veterinarian who worked with animals in Africa, along with Clarence the cross-eyed lion and Judy the chimp. No matter what was going on in the show or how impressive it should have been that someone could be friends with a lion, I only cared about Judy the chimp. So, when I first held my new yellow and black chimp, it could only have one name.
When I was in high school, Greasy Amusement Park Boyfriend gave me a new monkey as a replacement, not realizing that a child's favorite treasure cannot be replaced. The guy wrote his name on the bottom of New Judy's shoes, so when I dismissed Greasy Amusement Park Boyfriend, I dismissed New Judy, right into the trash.
I'm guessing that you all have something similar from your childhood that you keep tucked away in a safe place. Own up to it, and post pictures.
I remember Daktari. There was a spate of zebra-painted Land Rovers around Norolk at that time.
That monkey you have looks more like something from planet of the apes to me.. Now, I loved those movies, I use to go to the Rialto theatre in Roslindale to see em i think it cost 25 cents.
Stella, I guess a plastic-head original is better than nothing. It would be interesting if the thing were to make it to other generations.
Rich, You saved a Playboy from when you were 11? Show the trumpet.
Rich: Whatever you do, DON'T "show the trumpet"!
Oh the joy of smutty innuendo …
Dive, I can show the magazine for you and the trumpet for Robyn.