I’ve been 50 years old for a full week now, so I’ll ask the question people seem to ask on this occasion—how does it feel to be 50? Well, I’ll tell ya, it feels about like what it felt to be 49. This week, my back has hurt the way it sometimes did at my younger ages, so when I make old-woman noises while in the process of sitting down and standing back up—and lord help us all if I sneeze—that’s nothing new. I have been flitting from project to project this week doing what I call “work” because I don’t have a real job, but I’ve been doing that for years. I haven’t had a 9-to-5 job for some time now—I’ll confess it was always more like 8-to-3 anyway. And now I spend time typesetting ebooks a little here, designing a logo there, fitting in a brochure for a bed and breakfast a friend has opened on one day and a bookcover for a non-profit publisher on another. This week, “work” has been more about the orchestra, which is my preference. On Monday, I hauled Conductor Eric around the cou...