For a full week after Steve Jobs died, my Facebook newsfeed was filled with tributes from people who either loved Mac products or admired the man's work ethic or were moved by his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford. I was about to link to that speech, but seriously, it was quoted so many times I'm surprised you don't have it memorized by now.
One of Husband's brothers works at a Mac store in Chicago, and he posted some moving photos of the store front that week—people had plastered the window/walls with Post-It notes like tiny sympathy cards. You couldn't turn on the television without some kind of news coverage about Jobs or the speech or the history of Apple. But then one day one of my more cynical Facebook friends called Uncle. And her comment inspired today's column in Small Town Newspaper.
We need a hero, and more than one who innovates and creates, we need one who cures cancer.