Who knew that adding a puppy to the mix would make life so complicated? People with puppies, I guess, but we had no idea. Specifically, I had no idea that my entire day would have to revolve around the digestive cycle of the puppy. I keep thinking that once he’s house trained, life will become easier, but in the mean time, I’m tired. I took a break with the Wyrd Sisters Tuesday evening, and when I got home, Husband announced that Baxter seemed to have diarrhea. Good night. So, I took Baxter out one more time before bedtime and then tucked him into his crate for the night. The next morning, I got up around 6:15 (the time he goes out for his first pee) and found the little guy caked in poop. I mean snout to tail tip. He had blown up in the crate a few times in the night but didn’t make a peep, so we didn’t know there was a problem. I carefully took him out to take care of business and then wrapped him a towel; and then I carried him straight up the stairs, dropped in the tub and s...