I used some cool bread baking dishes I bought from a local potter and set the oven to 375˚. 40 minutes later, I had two loaves of really good bread. So, see? I really can bake bread after all. And I thought I was a bread-baking loser.
I used some cool bread baking dishes I bought from a local potter and set the oven to 375˚. 40 minutes later, I had two loaves of really good bread. So, see? I really can bake bread after all. And I thought I was a bread-baking loser.
Have you ever made that no kneed bread that sits over night and looks like a flying saucer disc (at least my mom's does)? It is so so delicious too and super easy. I've yet to try it because I don't tend to think ahead well and bread isn't something I ever think I should make so it's hard to remember to try it. I'll pass on the recipe if you don't have it because I know you'd like it. :)
Kyle, it sort of worked this time, but it still doesn't look as good as your bread, and I need Joe the Potter's bread things to give it shape.
You have inspired me so will get baking bread again.