I am up early on a Saturday morning—have already had a cup of coffee, checked the Facebook news feed, skimmed the newspaper, ignored CNN's chatter—because the cats don't understand daylight savings time or Saturday mornings. They want food when they want food, and with Big Mike's blood sugar issues, I can't really ignore his request for breakfast.
So, I will take the opportunity to tell you that I have brought Maryann back from the dead. Maryann was the title I gave to a novel I wrote a couple of years ago. When I was writing it, I posted a chapter at a time on its own blog but then put it away. Well, HERE it is in full, downloadable or readable online.
One of my brothers-in-law has written a novel and put it online in pdf form, so I have followed his lead and done the same with Maryann, now called Mrs. Branch. November is National Novel Writing Month. I'm not going to write a novel in November, so I'll take the cheap way out and offer up one already written.
So, I will take the opportunity to tell you that I have brought Maryann back from the dead. Maryann was the title I gave to a novel I wrote a couple of years ago. When I was writing it, I posted a chapter at a time on its own blog but then put it away. Well, HERE it is in full, downloadable or readable online.
One of my brothers-in-law has written a novel and put it online in pdf form, so I have followed his lead and done the same with Maryann, now called Mrs. Branch. November is National Novel Writing Month. I'm not going to write a novel in November, so I'll take the cheap way out and offer up one already written.
One of my sisters is writing a novel this month. Random fact for the day.
Dive, her world was upside down but still kind of comforting, don't you think?
Madame DeFarge, it's what you do when no agent will represent you.
E, I stopped sending it out for now. If I could concentrate and do nothing else, I wouldn't mind writing a novel this month, too.