Over the weekend, Eustacia updated her Facebook status by saying she wanted to do something "outside-y." We had such a beautiful few days here in central Ohio with blue skies and warm breezes, who can blame her?
On Saturday, I decided that instead of sitting around watching The Man Who Knew Too Much on Turner Classic Movies, I would do something outside-y, too. So, after I did some inside-y things like buying groceries, mixing up a pasta salad, baking a loaf of bread and vacuuming up 137 ounces of Mike's fur, I went out to buy herbs.
Despite my largish yard, I don't have garden space, nor do I have the inclination to tend a garden, but I can handle a few herbs. I went to Lowe's despite all the local lawn and garden shops because it was right next door to Staples, where I also needed to go.
I bought these herb pots—the dirt is held by biodegradable stuff so you don't have plastic pots to throw away. And I bought some girl gloves. I don't mind getting my hands dirty, but I don't want to touch anything icky like a grub. If you didn't lose all respect for me with my use of "outside-y," that last bit may have done it.
I also stopped at a local lawn and garden business just to see what they had—maybe more herbs, maybe some good dirt to add to the rocky crap that's in my backyard planter. The place was set up in such a fun way, and the people were really nice even though they didn't use biodegradable pots. I bought some more herbs and a bag of decent dirt.
I raked up the winterized dirt and old mulch, added the new dirt and raked some more. Then I planted the herbs and watered the whole lot. I've got basil, two kinds of parsley, thyme, oregano, sage, cilantro, rosemary and lavender. I may go back for some more lavender because I love those bushes. On the other side of the yard, I have some chives that seem to handle the crap dirt and some thyme and oregano that has been left to spread wild, so I may move those things over with the new stuff.
If these things take off, I'll post another picture.
On Saturday, I decided that instead of sitting around watching The Man Who Knew Too Much on Turner Classic Movies, I would do something outside-y, too. So, after I did some inside-y things like buying groceries, mixing up a pasta salad, baking a loaf of bread and vacuuming up 137 ounces of Mike's fur, I went out to buy herbs.
Despite my largish yard, I don't have garden space, nor do I have the inclination to tend a garden, but I can handle a few herbs. I went to Lowe's despite all the local lawn and garden shops because it was right next door to Staples, where I also needed to go.

I also stopped at a local lawn and garden business just to see what they had—maybe more herbs, maybe some good dirt to add to the rocky crap that's in my backyard planter. The place was set up in such a fun way, and the people were really nice even though they didn't use biodegradable pots. I bought some more herbs and a bag of decent dirt.

If these things take off, I'll post another picture.
Your planter looks so neat Robyn!