Want to see something weird?
This is a turkey I made in grade school as part of a Thanksgiving project with my class. We made turkeys out of food and sticks and things and took them home to our parents. Cute, right? I think so, unless the parents save the turkeys for over 35 years.
This one has a prune as the body, a raisin for the neck, gum drops for the head and feet, and a little muffin cup for the tail feathers. He was cute when he was new, but now he's just crusty and icky, not to mention pathetic. You know that standard scary movie story line with the bride who was left at the altar still living in her wedding dress 50 years later, and her moldy wedding cake sits on the table, and cobwebs drape over the banquet tables and champagne glasses? Seeing this old turkey reminds me of that bride a little.

My turkey sits on a shelf next to a small crystal and gold pineapple that was a gift for my parents' 50th anniversary. Is that odd?
I used to think it was disgusting, and my kids are repulsed by it. But as my own daughters grow older and spend less and less time at home, I am starting to see why my mother would save something like a turkey one of her girls made in the third grade. I have opted for saving my daughters' hand prints in plaster and mother's day cards they made with construction paper and crayons. I have their first report cards in a drawer, and I have their first baby dresses and tiny shoes tucked away for safe keeping.
These things are treasures, and I will keep them as long as I possibly can. They aren't made with dehydrated fruit and rock-hard gum drops, but the sentiment behind keeping them is no different than what drives my mother to save the turkey in her china cabinet filled with special things.
What are you saving that your kids have made? What have your parents saved that was yours?
I'm not sure my parents saved much from my childhood - maybe a few of the arrest warrents from when I was a teen.Tee hee
I have quite a few little things that I've saved from my kids over the years. Handmade noodle ornaments painted in gold, a ceramic "thing" that says I Love Mom on it a bunch of pictures that they made and I've hung over my little art table.
My Mom saved a leggo Santa that my brother made one year and a styrofoam block covered with red construction paper and red pipecleaner hearts I made her for Valentines Day.
Fun stuff.
Keep that Turkey!!!
And those Apollo glasses are super-cool!
I'm mighty glad your mom was wise enough to save your old things, and that now you are gaining that wisdom yourself.
As for what my mum saved of mine? I dread to think. Please don't encourage her. Hee hee.
happy new year, sugar! xoxo
I'm not sure my parents saved much of mine, perhaps some school books and christmas decorations I made.
Robyn: don't get me started! LOL
My mother has a box with some things from my childhood. I loved poring over it when I was younger but to be honest I haven't looked in there for years now as she lives in another state too. I wasn't much for sculpture, like your fascinating turkey but I did quite a few drawings and made cards for mother's days.