As I mentioned, there were five dogs in the house where we spent Thanksgiving, and I've got pictures to prove it. Actually, there was one dog I didn't capture—Buster the wheaten terrier. Here is Daughter No. 1 hugging Sha Sha Sha Doo the bernese mountain dog.
This little guy is Jack, a poodle mix from a puppy mill. His front feet turn outward, and his back legs are odd so he can't sit down completely. He's a sweetie, though. I think the flash startled him.
Here is Sha, Tag and Roxie the airedale whose left ear sticks up. They're waiting for some turkey scraps to fall on the floor.
And just for good measure, here is a picture of a random sign posted on a door frame. It was never explained to me, but I like that it was there.

Looks like you all had a good time, especially the dogs. Now you'll have to explain away all those dog hairs to Mike and Tiger.