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Gather ’Round the Campfire

We spent the weekend at the lake house where it was quiet and still. Aside from the alarming caws of an occasional black bird, or sometimes a flock of black birds, the woods were silent.

The park hosted its annual fall festival a mile or two down the shoreline, but noise from the festivities only made it as far as our house once in a while. If we were outside, we could hear the bands at night and the cannon fired by the Revolutionary War encampment at noon.

I made prosciutto and Gruyere pizzas, knitted, read a bit of a memoir written by a local woman, napped, and watched movies.

This part of Ohio was inundated with a devastating flood in 1913 which lead to the creation of a conservancy district and the construction of a series of dams. Our house sits on the shore of a lake created by one of these dams, an oddly shaped lake with about 28 miles of shoreline, boat ramps, two marinas, a yacht club, a park, and a campground. Our house is at the end of the north shore right by the dam, so we don't see most of what goes on on a busy summer weekend.

There was quite a bit of debris scattered around from the big wind storm a couple of weeks ago, so husband built a fire in the fire pit and burned some of it. I turned my camera so as to get a nice vertical shot, and now I can't figure out how to rotate the image. Try this—sometime today when you need a break, lay your head on your desk and watch a few seconds of camp fire. Enjoy.


Mrs. G. said…
I love the sound of that cracklin' fire. Prosciutto and Gruyere pizzas? Sigh.
Anonymous said… you REALLY mean "damn"?? hahahahaha!
Scout said…
Oh, that is so funny. Why did no one correct me earlier? I fixed it. HA!
Gorgeous! I love the sound.
Shan said…
I DO love a campfire, as long as there's not actual camping involved with it. I'm not a real natural outdoors unfortunately. Now, a lake house sounds mighty fine indeed!

I filmed my dogs playing around the house and did that sideways bit. It gives you vertigo when you see your dog turn sideways on the stairs! She has the agility of a squirrel though so it probably wouldn't have bothered her if she had actually felt it herself.

I'm glad I didn't have to see you cursing Robyn. ;)
dive said…
What a gorgeous (if surreally sideways) fire, Robyn.
And "a series of damns" made me laugh out loud.

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