It's been quite a while since I have devoted an entire week to one subject like mashed potatoes or tuna casserole or toilets. Maybe it's time for Pie Week. If I weren't taking a trip to New York this coming Thursday, I'd make it this week. Maybe I'll order pie in New York and tell you all about it when I get home.
Here are the pies for this evening—sweet potato, pecan, and chess. I hope they're all great, but I can't wait to try the chess pie. When I take that first bite, I'll be ten years old sitting in my grandmother's kitchen in Alabama. The July flies will be rattling in the trees in the back yard, my aunts and uncles will be sharing stories around the table, and my Memaw will say, "Hey. Have you a piece of pie."
Don't mind if I do.
Here are the pies for this evening—sweet potato, pecan, and chess. I hope they're all great, but I can't wait to try the chess pie. When I take that first bite, I'll be ten years old sitting in my grandmother's kitchen in Alabama. The July flies will be rattling in the trees in the back yard, my aunts and uncles will be sharing stories around the table, and my Memaw will say, "Hey. Have you a piece of pie."
Don't mind if I do.
Have fun in NY!!!
I hope you all have a brilliant time in New York.
Not that I'm at all jealous of you and Rich for both going there this year. Oh,no. Not me. Not jealous.
Sigh …
have fun in New York.....
Have fun in NYC. Don't forget to take your camera with you, (she says, hopefully).