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Art Day—in Pants

Happy No Pants Day. Traditionally it is observed the first Friday of May, although "tradition" is a loose term since the day has only been observed since 1986 or so. There are rules—you're supposed to wear boxers or bloomers or something similar, but skirts, dresses, and kilts are considered cheating. On the other hand, organizers agree that since the day is meant to bring humor to your spirit and freedom to your legs, they don't want to put too many restrictions on participants. They also agree that we all need to lighten up a little. From their site: "When large groups of people parade around in public without their pants, amazing things are bound to happen. At the very least, you’ll take your drab, wretched life a little less seriously, at least for one day." I won't be a party to such a display because frankly, I like pants. Who's Frank?

Now that we have looked at pantsless bums, let's look at some art.

I set out three small canvases, each about 3.5 by 2.5 inches, and I painted them randomly with a thick, abstract goo. Then I affixed some crafty washers engraved with inspirational words like "discover" and "explore," strung them together, and called it art.

I did this again with 2x2 canvases as a gift for my moving- away friend (she's still here), and I think she likes it. The washers on this one say things related to journeys because my friend is about to go on one.


dive said…
Good fun art, Robyn.

No Pants Day would have an entirely different meaning outside America.
Shan said…
Hey, cute tinies! I had no idea about "no pants day" but my youngest IS still in his pjs at 2:30pm as I had two friends with kids catch us both that way this morning for an impromptu get-together. Schools out due to storm damage so my Friday got busy fast! I'm blazing by my blogs for a quick "hey" . I like your history lessons! :)
Alifan said…
Oh Robyn youare so creative... clever girl. xx
Alifan said…
Whoops I shall get wrong off Dive for the spelling!!!!!!
MmeBenaut said…
No G-strings there Robyn! Perhaps it's a bit too cool.
Love the art and your going away friend will too.
Maria said…
Nice artwork. Good ideas.

I should be embarrassed to be in my skivvies, my underwear really needs a going over, it has tears. My mother would be appalled.
Robyn. You do know that in England the word pants means underpants? lol so your sentence that large groups of people walk around with no pants on is quite an alarming thought!

What a strange convention, even to go around without skirts or trousers though! he he. I'm not sure i'd join in with that.
Scout said…
I did no that "pants" meant something else entirely in the UK. You can call it "No-Trousers Day," then.
Anonymous said…
"There are rules—you're supposed to wear boxers or bloomers or something similar"


Well that explains why the cops were so upset, then.
Ok then no-trousers day, i think it's hilarious! Did you join in?
savannah said…
love the art, sugar! creative, almost off the cuff kind of to no pants day, i imediately thought no underwear!

..don't ask! ;-)

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