Carrie Nation was born on this day in 1846, so happy birthday to the old woman.
Carrie Moore's first husband, Dr. Gloyd, was a severe alcoholic, so she left him and turned her attentions to the temperance movement. She believed God told her to smash up saloons, so she gathered up rocks and destroyed what she could. After her second husband suggested she switch to hatchets because they would be more effective, she began a campaign of what she called "hatchetations," going from saloon to saloon, hacking up the places and shouting, "Men, I have come to save you from a drunkard's fate."
Carrie was 6 feet tall and weighed 175 pounds, and she liked to say she was "a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus, barking at what He doesn't like." She was arrested more than 30 times for vandalism--smashing up bars--and she paid her fines with lecture fees and by selling souvenir hatchets.
It's interesting to note there was a history of mental illness in her family. Her mother suffered from delusions and often believed she was Queen Victoria. Do you see the resemblance?
Hee hee.
Mrs. G.