My Camry has a media screen that, when not being used for navigation, lists the names of songs I am listening to on Sirius radio. It names the song title and the composer or performer on two different lines, but for some reason it only gives the first ten characters and/or spaces. So, if I'm listening to Broadway Hits, I might hear "Seventy Si" from The Music_. Or I might sing along with "I Feel Pre" from West Side_.
Lately I have been listening to Classical Pops, which is a hodge podge of movements from famous symphonies or familiar stand-alone tunes. If the piece is really familiar, I can sometimes sing the horn parts, but because the composers' names are truncated, I have to fill in the missing characters—not always an easy task. I figure if I'm going to play in an orchestra, I should at least know the names of the composers, even if I can't always count out their music. So, I have taken to using this defect in my car's communication system to quiz myself.
To include you in all of my fun, here is a list of famous composers who are often featured on Sirius Classical Pops--ten characters including spaces. Do your best to fill in the missing letters.
Modeste Mu
Claude Deb
Johann Seb
Wolfgang A
Pyotr Illy
Richard St
Camille Sa
Ludwig van
Maurice Ra
Gabriel Fa
Edvard Gri
Leonard Be
Antonio Vi
Lately I have been listening to Classical Pops, which is a hodge podge of movements from famous symphonies or familiar stand-alone tunes. If the piece is really familiar, I can sometimes sing the horn parts, but because the composers' names are truncated, I have to fill in the missing characters—not always an easy task. I figure if I'm going to play in an orchestra, I should at least know the names of the composers, even if I can't always count out their music. So, I have taken to using this defect in my car's communication system to quiz myself.
To include you in all of my fun, here is a list of famous composers who are often featured on Sirius Classical Pops--ten characters including spaces. Do your best to fill in the missing letters.
Modeste Mu
Claude Deb
Johann Seb
Wolfgang A
Pyotr Illy
Richard St
Camille Sa
Ludwig van
Maurice Ra
Gabriel Fa
Edvard Gri
Leonard Be
Antonio Vi
Hey! That really is a mainstream list! Where's the Stravisnki? The Ades? The Shnittke? The Elliot Carter? The Stockhausen? All the clanky rackety music I love so much? Where's the Britten? Where are the operas?
This snobby pedant will stick to good old hardcore, elitist Radio 3, Robyn . Hee hee.
Pea, that will be lost on the Americans, so I'll giggle for them: Hee hee hee hee hee!
Hee hee.
That is a cool li
Thank you for shar
I love classical mu
Have a nice da
Love, Mrs
Oh, and some Hindemith.
That's one fancy Camry you have there.