I have been tagged by Miz Minka. This meme is every bit as narcissistic as the rest of them, and maybe even more so. The game--list five phrases that, if typed into google.com, your site appears as the first option. You can type your search phrase in quotes, if that helps. The end result will provide quite a telling description of your personally defined blog world. I tried and tried, searching every phrase I could think of, and I swear this is all I could come up with:
Small Town Next Door
My Favorite Place for Joe
That should surprise no one, I suppose, considering the subtitle of this blog is "blah, blah, blah." Is there nothing else unique here? Is there no other dominant phrase that demonstrates the homeyness and hospitality one feels when visiting? I feel at home anyway.
There are times when I end up back here after making the blogpal rounds, that I sigh with satisfaction the way I do when I pull into my driveway after a busy day away. When I come home, I kick off my shoes, check for messages, pet the kitties who wake up from their naps to greet me. Sometimes I play my horn or play at the piano a bit. I might have a cookie or figure out what to make for dinner. I am likely to spend time knitting or chit chatting or both, and I watch movies. I do all of those things here, too, but evidently I don't use phrases unique enough to make me Number One.
I have a sister-in-law who, when she gets to park in the first space in a parking lot, says "I'm number one!" She's not unique in that premier space, just the one to claim it at the time. Well, if that makes her Number One, then I'll claim this blog as my premier space and declare myself Number One even if I can't prove it while searching google.
Give it a try yourself and see what phrases or words make your blog Number One on the list of search results.
Small Town Next Door
My Favorite Place for Joe
That should surprise no one, I suppose, considering the subtitle of this blog is "blah, blah, blah." Is there nothing else unique here? Is there no other dominant phrase that demonstrates the homeyness and hospitality one feels when visiting? I feel at home anyway.
There are times when I end up back here after making the blogpal rounds, that I sigh with satisfaction the way I do when I pull into my driveway after a busy day away. When I come home, I kick off my shoes, check for messages, pet the kitties who wake up from their naps to greet me. Sometimes I play my horn or play at the piano a bit. I might have a cookie or figure out what to make for dinner. I am likely to spend time knitting or chit chatting or both, and I watch movies. I do all of those things here, too, but evidently I don't use phrases unique enough to make me Number One.
I have a sister-in-law who, when she gets to park in the first space in a parking lot, says "I'm number one!" She's not unique in that premier space, just the one to claim it at the time. Well, if that makes her Number One, then I'll claim this blog as my premier space and declare myself Number One even if I can't prove it while searching google.
Give it a try yourself and see what phrases or words make your blog Number One on the list of search results.
I too, feel that comforting sense of "coming home" when I visit your blog. I confess to taking shelter here from the ranty mess of my own place.
And you are indeed number one. My first blogpal and top of my visiting list every day.
My full name brings lots of entries from writing and painting over the years (no it's not that it's impressive, just pure saturation!) but the other day i found someone totally using my name! Apparently i'd visited some therapist or other (never in my life have i) and was giving a rave review! Grr.
I love your...it is premiere in my book.
And, every morning I wake up and shout, "I'm number one!"
It's quite affirming, even if no one else agrees with em.