If Tiger were to be squished by a car, it would take weeks or even months for us to recover from the loss. And it would take weeks or even months for us to overcome the guilt we would feel from letting him roam without proper training.
During the summer, when we go in and out through the doors that lead to the patio, Tiger waits for these doors to open so he can dart out and explore the outside. He nibbles on the ornamental grass in the mulch beds, walks the length of the retaining wall, and plots his escape beneath the gates and into the big world beyond. We let him experience the patio with supervision, but sometimes we just want to keep him inside. It's like when you have a toddler, and you just want her to take a little nap so you can relax for and hour.
When we don't let Tiger go outside, he sits at the door and meows. He meows so loudly and with such voracity, it's an alarm sounding throughout the house. "Let me out, let me out, let me out, you bastards!"
So, that's why it's going to be a long summer.
Tiger's put on some weight since Christmas.
Cats and cars; that's always a tricky one. Try as you might, you can't tell a cat it's for their own good.
You have my sympathy.
It's a difficult situation, but I understand how you just want to protect him.
Have you thought about a lead? I wouldn't do it personally, but it might help?
PF, Mike is a bit skittish about outside.
GG,my cat on a lead would drive him to anarchy, I'm afraid. Thanks for signing my map!
Rich,how awful about your dogs. People can be jerks.
Shannon, Canal Days is this coming weekend actually. I bet I could make a fortune. I'll set up my tent next to the elephant ears wagon.
Oh Tiger, I am just the same always wanting to go out, and when I get back in, she makes such a fuss of me, saying she is so pleased to see I have not gotten run over, as my sister did a few years ago....
I meow as well, especially at 3am cannot understand why she gets so upset about me wanting to go hunting at night, these humans are really strange aren't they, however I do get well fed, and I like being in charge!!!!!
Gina, how does your sister keep her cat in the just one part of the yard?
Ours (coincidentally, procured by S2 after graduation ('I neeeeeeed a kittttttten'), a mere 6 months before she then moved away, is the same. He is my baby - and my alligator. Is the only cat my border collie Lucy respects. He makes life miserable and I love him even more for it. He gets to go outside, but that doesn't make him nicer the rest of the time.
Orange cats must be distantly related to tigers.
It's going to be a loooong drive to Indiana.