I hated The Lawrence Welk Show, which aired on Sunday night, at least I remember it as airing on Sunday nights. My parents made us watch it every week. We had to listen to the Lennon Sisters and then listen to our mother say if we tried a little harder, we could all sing just as well and get us a spot on the show. We had to watch Bobby Burgess waltz with Cissy. Myron always did an accordion bit, and Tom Netherton sang some swooning thing--ack. It just never seemed to end. Just when you thought the pain and suffering had ended, Arthur Duncan would do an arm-swinging tap dancing number, and Joe Feeney would whale away on something like "Those Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Then my father would say, "boy that old Irishman sure can sing high." Then finally, it would fade to an Alka-seltzer commercial.
Thank God. Can we watch something else now, or is there more of this programming lobotomy? What ever I might think of the Lawrence Welk Show, the guy knew how to put on a show, and he knew how to make his generation feel good. So, here's to Lawrence Welk--"a one-a, and a two-a, and three-a."
I can't put my finger on it and don't know if I want to.
I just PEEEEEED myself!!!
You JUST described my LW experience as a kid too!!!
OMG! TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to top it off, we had to drive down towards San Diego and see LW LAND! LOL!
Thanks for the memories! NOT! LOL!
Have a good Monday!
every saturday was the same. dinner and then off to a bath and pjs. with my hair still wet, i would dutifully bring sponge curlers, comb, cup of water, and a net scarf to my mother. i would sit at her feet while she rolled up my hair for church and while she and my grandparents watched the technicolor rainbow that was the week's show. grandmother loved norma zimmer, the champagne lady. mother would always sing along with anacani, and granddad would keep rhythm with pete fountain. with a flick of fate it always took my mother exactly an -hour- to set the rollers before wrapping the scarf around them so they wouldn't fall out.
i suppose the only saving grace was after that hour i usually got a glass of milk and to watch fraggle rock before bedtime.