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Monday Melee

The Monday Melee--once again, from Fracas:

1. The Misanthtropic: Name something (about humanity) you absolutely hate.
There is a great line in Little Miss Sunshine--sarcasm is what little people use to bring big people down to their level. So, I think I hate when people use sarcasm to make other people feel small.

2. The Meretricious: Expose something or someone that’s phony, fraudulent or bogus.
You know, I have been sitting here for five minutes trying to answer this one, and I can't think of anything. Maybe I am just feeling to chipper this morning to be cynical.

3. The Malcontent: Name something you’re unhappy with.
Being responsible for meal planning and preparation every day of the week.

4. The Meritorious: Give someone credit for something and name it if you can.
The person who realized that currants would make a lovely addition to dark chocolate--the product developer for Green and Black is a genius.

5. The Mirror: See something good about yourself and name it.
I made a good batch of tomato bisque for dinner last night. Yum. I suppose I should name something about my character, but at the moment, the soup is what came to mind.

6. The Make-Believe: Name something you wish for.
The perfect French horn embouchure, especially since I have a lesson today. I'd like to show my teacher that I have actually learned something.


dive said…
Hee hee. I love the word "chipper". We don't use it enough these days.
That tomato bisque sounds yummy! As does the Green and Black's, but probably not together …
Have a good horn lesson, Robyn.
That tomato bisque sounds good. I am the cook in my house too and I have to plan all the meals. I identify with you. So whip me up a bowl of that bisque will ya? and make it snappy!!! ;))
Scout said…
Dive, "chipper" just sounds good to say.

Rich, I'll send a bowl right over. I'll post the recipe, actually, so you can whip it up yourself, although it takes about an hour.
thanks Robyn - Soups stews and "bisques" are my favorite comfort food.
I do envy your culinary skills...

Wish you luck with the horn.

Sassy Sundry said…
Mmmm. Green and Black's.

Glad to hear that you are chipper.
dive said…
Though it does remind me of the fate of poor Steve Buscemi in one of your least favourite movies, Robyn; the Coen Brothers' wonderful "Fargo".
Ah...Green & Black's! Lucky for me, our local Raley's (you have 'em there???) carries their bars in the 'natural foods' section...but not all varieties.

'Maya Gold' is also great in this genre:
Gina said…
Meal planning does indeed suck!

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