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I Love Thursdays

Yee ha, it's garbage day again. It's such a special day for me, I have written about it before. I do love garbage day, which would explain why I get itchy when we forget when it's garbage day, and we have to hang on to a week's worth of trash for an extra week. It's not so bad in the winter when the cold air freezes the unpleasant stuff, like shrimp tails and chicken carcasses. But when it starts to warm up, like around this time of year when we're more likely to reach 45 degrees at noon instead of 25, those shrimp tails and chicken carcasses begin to thaw, and an extra week in the can is no good for anybody.

Then there was the mishap with the bag of used cat litter last week that left an unsightly trail across the cement and out into the street. After yesterday's snowfall and subsequent melting, that mess is just about gone.

So, this garbage day, this lovely Thursday, we'll drag out just one week's worth of crud, and we'll hope the highly-skilled garbage collector won't "accidentally" drop filthy spillage into my driveway, the dear. Every one should get a day just to purge and start fresh all over again. For me, it's garbage day.


dive said…
Those are great garbage cans, Robyn. Full of character, as well as garbage.
I trust they are not yours!
I'm sure (somewhere in your mountain of cookbooks) they're must be a recipe that involves shrimp tails and chicken carcasses (other than making a particularly fishy chicken stock).
Scout said…
No these are not my garbage cans. Mine or big green plastics ones kept neatly away behind a gate.
Sassy Sundry said…
I love that photo, too.

I'm afraid that I don't get nearly as excited about trash, but I do feel a sense of accomplishment when I do my recycling.
Gina said…
I agree with you, it does seem like a new start when they cart the old stuff away!
you really want to be nice to the folks who collect your trash. They can make life very difficult for you if they wanted to. "oops we forgot to stop at your house AGAIN"???
Am i the only one to notice that these dustbins look as if they are personified? Look at the stance, the faces! Cute.

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