Watcha thinkin' about? How many times have I answered "oh, nothin'" to that question--almost every time it's asked. It's like saying "fine" when people ask "how are ya?" because that's how you are supposed to answer.
You say "Nothin'" when really, there is always something, but you don't want to have to explain the thoughts in your head. You don't want to admit to thinking about how many leaves fall per minute from the cherry tree in the front yard on a gusty day. And why haven't all the leaves fallen because, after all, it's January. You wouldn't want to have to confess to thinking about how maybe the air flow is modified by the shapes of the surrounding houses, so only part of the tree is affected by the wind, and the rest is shielded so it can cling to its dry, ugly leaves until spring.
Or you wouldn't want to admit to thinking about how you wish you had more elastic in your socks because the world is at war idealogically, theologically, economically, ecologically, gastronomically...if you were worth your salt, wouldn't the greater burdens of the world take precedence over the minute and insignificant details of one single life on a planet of billions of single lives.
But that's the way it goes, sometimes, and lately--when I haven't been contemplating how to improve my range on the French horn--I feel like I haven't got a thought in my head. So, today anyway, ask me "watcha think,''' and I might truthfully answer--nothin'.
And just to show, here is a picture which on the surface might not look like anything, but it's actually a reflection of me in a tarnished silver tray that stands in a cabinet in my kitchen. The cabinet has glass doors, so I can see through to the tray, which is helpful because its reflecting ability often serves as a fine lipstick mirror on those busy days when I don't want to have a find an actual mirror.
You say "Nothin'" when really, there is always something, but you don't want to have to explain the thoughts in your head. You don't want to admit to thinking about how many leaves fall per minute from the cherry tree in the front yard on a gusty day. And why haven't all the leaves fallen because, after all, it's January. You wouldn't want to have to confess to thinking about how maybe the air flow is modified by the shapes of the surrounding houses, so only part of the tree is affected by the wind, and the rest is shielded so it can cling to its dry, ugly leaves until spring.
Or you wouldn't want to admit to thinking about how you wish you had more elastic in your socks because the world is at war idealogically, theologically, economically, ecologically, gastronomically...if you were worth your salt, wouldn't the greater burdens of the world take precedence over the minute and insignificant details of one single life on a planet of billions of single lives.
But that's the way it goes, sometimes, and lately--when I haven't been contemplating how to improve my range on the French horn--I feel like I haven't got a thought in my head. So, today anyway, ask me "watcha think,''' and I might truthfully answer--nothin'.
And just to show, here is a picture which on the surface might not look like anything, but it's actually a reflection of me in a tarnished silver tray that stands in a cabinet in my kitchen. The cabinet has glass doors, so I can see through to the tray, which is helpful because its reflecting ability often serves as a fine lipstick mirror on those busy days when I don't want to have a find an actual mirror.
Sometimes answer honestly when people ask me what I'm thinking just to see the look on their faces.
There are some great linguistic pieces on the meaning of "how are you?" and the like.
"oh God i've run into you now and i'm late. I'm also looking a bloody mess. Make it quick. Fine, no i'm not. I'm broke, tired, worried about my mother/father/other relation, about to lose my job, sick of my husband/boyfriend who's a lying drunk("yes he's fine too, doing well...")so now i have to ask how YOU are, quick look at the watch, please make it snappy because right now, i'm not too bothered.
Rich,"howz ya mutha" is very funny. I think you need to do an audio post to demonstrate how it should really sound.
Sassy, I wear such a subtle lipstick shade it doesn't really matter. I bet it could double as a blush.
Dive, you're very kind. But why are you sorry for being in a good mood.
Prudence,I guess I don't mind being greeted with that kind of mindless "how are you" greeting unless I actually try to answer and the person keeps walking. My good friends always stick around.