Here is how the ISABA describes their craft: the altered book--
It is any book, old or new that has been recycled by creative means into a work of art. They can be ... rebound, painted, cut, burned, folded, added to, collaged in, gold-leafed, rubber stamped, drilled or otherwise adorned ...and yes! it is legal!

I went through them this morning wondering which one I would sacrifice--which one would I subject to butchery for art. I touched them all, remembering when I bought them, where I was when I read them--on a train to Chicago, sitting in the plaza at school, on a plane to Atlanta. I have added my history to theirs.
This summer, I bought The Story of A Hundred Operas at a used book sale in an Amish barn (very intriguing sale--books on one side and buggies on the other). I considered annihilating the opera book to make a journal, maybe one documenting my experiences as a horn player, but what if I want to know the summary of the operas someday?
At an antique store in town, I picked up Around the World in Eighty Minutes published in 1894. It's a pictorial with brief descriptions from The Statue of Liberty to the Arc de Triomphe to the Acropolis and back to the Brooklyn Bridge. I considered decimating this one until I read the inscription on the end sheet--it was a gift to Sarah Foster on Christmas, 1896. Sarah was 12 years old that year. This treasure will go back on the shelf.
I have to admit that I'm intrigued by this art form, new or old. But I haven't been able to find a base book to work with. I'm not sure I can separate the material from the author/editor/buyer/gift giver who have touched it over the years. I need someone with a lesser sense of sentiment to give me one that has no history or appeal or inscription on the end sheet. Give me a failed remainder title, and I'll get to cutting and gluing. But until then.........
Very NICE!