Lifted from Rob (not me, a Rob from Chicago)
1. One book you have read more than once: Besides books of the Bible: Jane Eyre, Jude the Obscure, Gone with the Wind...the list goes on.
2. One book you would want on a desert island: I suppose I should say the Bible, but I would enjoy so many others--how about The LIfe of Pi.
3. One book that made you laugh: The No. One Ladies Detective Agency--the whole series by Alexander Smith
4. One book that made you cry: Maybe Cold Mountain. If I didn't actually cry, I was at least inclined.
5. One book you wish you had written: All of them. To narrow it down, To Kill A Mockingbird
6. One book you wish had never been written: The Lovely Bones. Everybody raves about it, but good God. It was horrible--just kept getting worse with each page turn.
7. One book you are currently reading: The Crying of Lot 49. Not all the interested but obligated.
8. One book you have been meaning to read: got a stack of 'em.
9. One Book That Changed Your Life: Again, I should say the Bible, but I have been reading that on and off since 1st grade. Maybe Grapes of Wrath comes close.
10. Now Tag 5 bloggers: well, I'm not sure any other bloggers actually read my stuff.
1. One book you have read more than once: Besides books of the Bible: Jane Eyre, Jude the Obscure, Gone with the Wind...the list goes on.
2. One book you would want on a desert island: I suppose I should say the Bible, but I would enjoy so many others--how about The LIfe of Pi.
3. One book that made you laugh: The No. One Ladies Detective Agency--the whole series by Alexander Smith
4. One book that made you cry: Maybe Cold Mountain. If I didn't actually cry, I was at least inclined.
5. One book you wish you had written: All of them. To narrow it down, To Kill A Mockingbird
6. One book you wish had never been written: The Lovely Bones. Everybody raves about it, but good God. It was horrible--just kept getting worse with each page turn.
7. One book you are currently reading: The Crying of Lot 49. Not all the interested but obligated.
8. One book you have been meaning to read: got a stack of 'em.
9. One Book That Changed Your Life: Again, I should say the Bible, but I have been reading that on and off since 1st grade. Maybe Grapes of Wrath comes close.
10. Now Tag 5 bloggers: well, I'm not sure any other bloggers actually read my stuff.
I haven't read Cold Mountain yet. I haven't seen the movie either so maybe I should try and read it before I ever do see it!