I mentioned we're moving, right? We have spent the past several weeks driving around Canton and surrounding towns and townships (I'm never quite sure where I am when I get very far from the highway), and we finally narrowed in on a place to call home. We made an offer, and the sellers accepted, and now we wait. There will be inspections and papers and a closing followed by a bathroom remodel, and it will all take weeks to be complete. And then we'll have a new place we'll call "home." I was thinking about that term last night as we were having dinner in Canton. We left the restaurant for the 30-minute drive to Home, but in a couple of months, it will take us just 12 minutes to get from that same restaurant to Home. We'll pull into that now strange driveway and open the garage door, and we'll be Home. We'll let the dog out to pee on his new Home turf, and we'll settle in with a cup of coffee from our new Home kitchen and plunk down on the couc...