We hosted a shindig Friday evening, quite a nice party with just over 20 people milling around the house. I had hoped to be outside on the patio, but of course, it rained; and just as the first guests began to arrive, it poured. It was still nice and possibly even more intimate inside than if we had been seated around the pool with the birds and the white noise from the highway as distraction. I didn't talk about this party beforehand because it was sort of a mums-the-word affair. The guests were part of a much larger group of associated people with too many for us to accommodate, so we chose just a select few as representatives. Next time, we'll choose a different set and so on, with the intention of being sociable and hospitable with every one. Have you noticed I'm still being sort of secretive about the group? I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings—I would hate to feel excluded myself, so shhhh. Because the party was larger than our typical dinner party, and...